The saree has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times.

The earliest references to sarees can be found in the Vedas, which are ancient Hindu texts that were written between 1500 and 1200 BCE.

The Vedas describe women wearing a garment called a "sati," which is believed to have been a precursor to the saree.

The saree as we know it today evolved over time, with different styles and fabrics being developed in different regions of India.

For example, the cotton sarees of Bengal were known for their intricate weaving and embroidery, while the silk sarees of Kanchipuram in southern India were famous for their vibrant colors and intricate designs.

During the Mughal period in the 16th and 17th centuries, sarees became even more ornate and decorative, with the use of metallic threads, zari work, and embroidery.

The Mughal emperors and their wives were known for their love of fine fabrics and clothing, and they helped to popularize the use of richly decorated sarees and other garments.

Today, the saree continues to be an important part of our culture and fashion, with new styles and designs being developed to suit changing tastes and trends.

The saree is celebrated as a symbol of sub-continent's rich textile heritage, and it remains a popular garment for women of all ages and backgrounds.